Monday, April 2, 2012

Feelings Unit

Over the past two weeks we did a feelings unit.
We talked about a variety of different feelings and things that make us feel a certain way.
It was really interesting to hear some of the responses.
We did one feeling a day for two weeks and completed a feeling journal.
Each journal consisted of children writing a sentence or two about what made them feel that way, how they looked when they were feeling this way, and whether or not they liked this feeling.
At the end of the two weeks, the children selected their best two pages to put in their portfolio.
The rest were compiled into a book that the kids could take home and share with their family.
Here are a few pictures of some interesting ones and ones that made me giggle.
You can purchase the feelings journal on Teachers Pay Teachers.

I feel bored when.. I can't play the wii.

I feel happy when.. I go to the ice cream shop.

I feel nervous when.. I first go to basketball.

Some things that make me feel sad are.. when people laugh at me.

I am curious about... how movies come out and how 3D glasses and how it works.
(Me too!)

Some things that make me feel grumpy are.. when I stay up all night.

Some things that make me feel scared are.. jumping off a airplane and dinosaurs.


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